مدرسة جيل ينبع العالمية

0143225774 - 0143901952

[email protected]

حي الجامعة العربية ، ينبع 46429 ، المملكة العربية السعودية

    مدرسة جيل ينبع العالمية is in الجامعة العربية , ينبع. مدرسة جيل ينبع العالمية is recognized by the keywords: أمريكي.

    أمريكي feature which is in مدرسة جيل ينبع العالمية, is also found in 402 Schools you can see them by clicking here

    There are also 6 in الجامعة العربية , the same area of مدرسة جيل ينبع العالمية, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 24 in ينبع , the same city of مدرسة جيل ينبع العالمية, you can see them by clicking here.

    مدرسة جيل ينبع العالمية

    مدرسة جيل ينبع العالمية

    مدرسة جيل ينبع العالمية


    The Jeel Yanbu International School is committed to provide quality education, character and leadership development among its students regardless of their background, in accordance with the internationally accepted Education System.


    Jeel Yanbu International School aims to be the leading educational institution pursuing both academic and behavioral excellence for its students, faculty and staff.

    Working Time

    7:30 ص الى 1:00 م



    الصف الدراسي الرسوم الدراسية

    عفواً لا تتوفر معلومات كافيه عن مصروفات المراحل المختلفه بالمدرسة حالياً


    Jill Yanbu International School

    Yanbu generation schools

    Yanbu generation schools


    See more

    Educational institutions near مدرسة جيل ينبع العالمية

    Schools in الجامعة العربية (6)

    Schools in ينبع (24)