0544925308 - 0549468530 - 012 677 9911
3636, Al Samer District, Jeddah 23464 7646, 23464, Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia
مدرسة دار العظماء الأهلية is in السامر , جده. مدرسة دار العظماء الأهلية is recognized by the keywords: عام.
عام feature which is in مدرسة دار العظماء الأهلية, is also found in 970 Schools you can see them by clicking here
There are also 6 in السامر , the same area of مدرسة دار العظماء الأهلية, you can see them by clicking here.
There are also 292 in جده , the same city of مدرسة دار العظماء الأهلية, you can see them by clicking here.
7:30 ص الى 1:00 م
الصف الدراسي | الرسوم الدراسية |
عفواً لا تتوفر معلومات كافيه عن مصروفات المراحل المختلفه بالمدرسة حالياً |
The Great House School
The House of the Great
Dar Al-Azma Private Schools
Dar Al Azmaa School in Jeddah
Dar Al-Azma Schools in Jeddah
Dar Al-Azma'a Private School in Jeddah
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