مدرسة الإرشاد العالمية


[email protected]

الرياض حي العزيزية

    مدرسة الإرشاد العالمية is in العزيزية , الرياض. مدرسة الإرشاد العالمية is recognized by the keywords: عام.

    عام feature which is in مدرسة الإرشاد العالمية, is also found in 970 Schools you can see them by clicking here

    There are also 10 in العزيزية , the same area of مدرسة الإرشاد العالمية, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 574 in الرياض , the same city of مدرسة الإرشاد العالمية, you can see them by clicking here.

    مدرسة الإرشاد العالمية

    مدرسة الإرشاد العالمية

    مدرسة الإرشاد العالمية

    A Muslim generation iconic leader capable of integrating science and advanced civilizations of indigenous identity and precious selection of wheat

    - الرؤيا -

    A Muslim Generation Iconic Leader Capable Of Integrating Science And Advanced Civilizations Of Indigenous Identity And Precious Selection Of Wheat

    - الرسالة -

    Making The School A Model Emulated By Others By Maintaining The Arab And Islamic Identity And Acquire The Language Of Western Civilization

    Working Time

    7:30 ص الى 1:00 م



    الصف الدراسي الرسوم الدراسية
    KG1 10000 ريال سعودى
    KG2 10000 ريال سعودى
    KG3 10000 ريال سعودى
    grade1 11000 ريال سعودى
    grade2 11000 ريال سعودى
    grade3 11000 ريال سعودى
    grade4 11000 ريال سعودى
    grade5 11000 ريال سعودى
    grade6 11000 ريال سعودى
    grade7 11000 ريال سعودى
    grade8 11000 ريال سعودى
    grade9 11000 ريال سعودى


    Al-Irshad International School

    Al-Irshad School

    Expenses of Al-Irshad International School


    See more

    Educational institutions near مدرسة الإرشاد العالمية

    Schools in العزيزية (10)

    Schools in الرياض (574)