مدرسة الإرشاد العالمية is in العزيزية , الرياض. مدرسة الإرشاد العالمية is recognized by the keywords: عام.
عام feature which is in مدرسة الإرشاد العالمية, is also found in 970 Schools you can see them by clicking here
There are also 10 in العزيزية , the same area of مدرسة الإرشاد العالمية, you can see them by clicking here.
There are also 574 in الرياض , the same city of مدرسة الإرشاد العالمية, you can see them by clicking here.
A Muslim generation iconic leader capable of integrating science and advanced civilizations of indigenous identity and precious selection of wheat
- الرؤيا -
A Muslim Generation Iconic Leader Capable Of Integrating Science And Advanced Civilizations Of Indigenous Identity And Precious Selection Of Wheat
- الرسالة -
Making The School A Model Emulated By Others By Maintaining The Arab And Islamic Identity And Acquire The Language Of Western Civilization
7:30 ص الى 1:00 م
الصف الدراسي | الرسوم الدراسية |
KG1 | 10000 ريال سعودى |
KG2 | 10000 ريال سعودى |
KG3 | 10000 ريال سعودى |
grade1 | 11000 ريال سعودى |
grade2 | 11000 ريال سعودى |
grade3 | 11000 ريال سعودى |
grade4 | 11000 ريال سعودى |
grade5 | 11000 ريال سعودى |
grade6 | 11000 ريال سعودى |
grade7 | 11000 ريال سعودى |
grade8 | 11000 ريال سعودى |
grade9 | 11000 ريال سعودى |
Al-Irshad International School
Al-Irshad School
Expenses of Al-Irshad International School
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