مدرسة البناء العالمية is in الشاطئ , جده. مدرسة البناء العالمية is recognized by the keywords: أمريكي.
أمريكي feature which is in مدرسة البناء العالمية, is also found in 402 Schools you can see them by clicking here
There are also 11 in الشاطئ , the same area of مدرسة البناء العالمية, you can see them by clicking here.
There are also 292 in جده , the same city of مدرسة البناء العالمية, you can see them by clicking here.
It is our aim for every child to reach their full potential enabling them to move forward as lifelong learners. Our team recognizes individual learning levels of children and aspire to place the first block in building a young generation of inquisitive minds with high self esteem, and strong critical thinking while at the same time, nurturing children’s life skills. We strive to foster mutual respect and social responsibility encouraging a strong partnership between home and school.
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الصف الدراسي | الرسوم الدراسية |
عفواً لا تتوفر معلومات كافيه عن مصروفات المراحل المختلفه بالمدرسة حالياً |
Building blocks International School
Building blocks International Schools
Building blocks school
Building blocks schools
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